Teens think porn is sex-ed
Teens have a sneaky feeling that porn is the real sex-ed, the good stuff that we’re not telling them. It’s not, of course…
Teens have a sneaky feeling that porn is the real sex-ed, the good stuff that we’re not telling them. It’s not, of course…
Is this you? “I really want to talk to my kids about this, but there never seems to be a good time.” These are excuses.
By the time our kids are teens, they’ve learned what sex is and they’ve absorbed the myth that everyone is having sex, and…
Some of you have told me stories about your child refusing to talk about porn. Hands over ears, fleeing the room, slamming the door.
Having more or less money doesn’t make a person better or worse; it does change their ability to affect others. Technology works like this.
I hear this all the time. It is SO common for kids to google “porn” or “naked girls” or “penis”. They want to see what’s out there.
If we define pornography as art that is meant to arouse, then yes, people have made erotic art since cave-man days.
We’ve been spending a lot of time at home and a lot of time online. For some of us, we’re seeing more people in the media than in real life.
When I was a teen I used to sneak out of the house. Well, I thought I was sneaking. Turns out, my parents knew. Whenever
I know why parents are shy to bring up the topic of porn. Our parents didn’t have to have this conversation with us, and we